Consulting With You

If you have a situation where you need personalized attention I am available to meet with you individually or with you and your family to discuss the best solutions for moving forward with tough or complex issues.
When you work with Darby you can expect:
Hear Your Concerns
Develop a Clear Plan
Build Your Team
Check in
Consulting Rates and Process
Let’s start with a free 10-minute call to see if I am a good fit to help you with your situation.
After that, we will schedule a 1 hour call.
Most people are embarrassed or scared to share their story. Don’t worry – Darby has helped many people through their own horror stories, with compassion, and is here to help you too.
Contact Darby
Learn More about Working with Darby
Hello, My name is Darby Jones, I am a professional fiduciary and have spent almost 25 years serving in a wide variety of fiduciary capacities such as Corporate Trustee, Individual Trustee, Power of Attorney, Healthcare Surrogate, Personal Representative, Executor, and Guardian.
Before my private fiduciary career, I received my J.D. from Washington College of Law and worked as an estate planning attorney, a Trust Officer, and Bank Vice President for financial institutions.
If you have a situation where you need personalized attention I am available to meet with you individually or with you and your family to discuss the best solutions for moving forward with tough or complex issues.
These issues may involve personal care or medical issues, they may involve financial vulnerability, exploitation, or finances in general. These issues may involve difficult family dynamics or cognitive impairment challenges.
To help with these and the many more challenges of serving as a fiduciary, I am dedicated to putting information and solutions in your hands to help you protect yourself from the wide array of the ”What ifs” that you are likely to face in serving in these important and challenging roles.
As a Professional Fiduciary and current President of the Professional Fiduciary Council of Florida, former Trust Officer, and former estate planning attorney, I hope my experience can provide you with valuable tips, tricks, and tools to give you confidence, and real solutions for you and your family.